E-Mail Forwarding:

This E-Mail service gives you the convenience of an @10Stream.com address, while utilizing another mailbox or mailboxes* as the final delivery point for all mail sent to this address.

You can use a personalized E-Mail address and have it auto forward to a company, another business, or a group E-Mail address. You can maintain an @10Stream.com E-Mail address even if your ISP changes, you move, or change employers. Even if you are not interested in using a mailbox @10Stream.com now, a forwarding account will reserve your ability to do so in the future. It will also safeguard a popular name from being utilized by someone else first.

You can enjoy maximum flexibility with some of the commonly used forwarding options explained below:

1) Route to another e-mail address at another host
(example: john@10Stream.com --> johndoe6789@domain.com).
a) This capability will allow ISP independence. Most people have problems when they change ISP providers, move, or change employers. You lose your E-Mail address and have to deal with changing your address everywhere. Forwarding allows you to always maintain the same E-Mail address regardless of the final destination point.
b) SPAM is reduced while using our service. Most ISP's are large and big targets for spammers. We are small and work under the spammers radar.
c) Allows you to utilize a short/catchy/meaningful address@10Stream.com

2) Route to multiple e-mail addresses at another host*.
(example: thedoes@10Stream.com --> johndoe6789@domain.com).
--> marydoe6799@domain.com).
a) Give others a single e-mail address, you receive mail together, but still maintain individual accounts. Can be used for families, or businesses, or other special interest groups.
(example1: realestate@10Stream.com --> john@realty.com).
--> mary@realty.com).
--> fred@realty.com).
(example2: gardenclub@10Stream.com --> All Members).
(gardenclubboard@10Stream.com --> Board Members Only).

3) Route to another e-mail address at our host.
(example1: thedoes@10Stream.com --> john@10Stream.com).
--> mary@10Stream.com).
a) Give others a single e-mail address, you receive mail together, but still maintain individual accounts.
b) You can receive mail jointly or individually with an @10Stream.com address.
(example2: designer@10Stream.com --> builder@10Stream.com).
c) You can have multiple names, but all mail ends up in a single mailbox.

4) Route to an e-mail address at our host and an address at another host.
(example: legalaffairs@10Stream.com --> john@10Stream.com).
--> lawyer@legal.com
a) Give others a single e-mail address, you receive mail together, but still maintain individual accounts.
b) You can receive mail jointly or individually with an @10Stream.com address.
c) Transparent copy of all e-mail is sent to another party.

Here is how it works:
Inbound E-Mail reaches our server and according to your instructions, we will then forward the message to the destination(s) of your choosing.
It could be a mailbox on our host, or a mailbox on another host, or any combination(s) that you can think of. The forward to address can be changed free of charge at any time.
Mail Forwarding Option Diagram
*NOTE: more than one forward to address will result in additional charges. Only 1 forward to address per account is included in our base pricing.

Copyright © 2003 10Stream.com. All rights reserved to Business Applications LTD. A California Business Trust
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